My Grammy came down to visit! Most of the time that she was here I could not find the camera, but we did find it and I managed to get a few good pictures.
This is him showing my grammy his lightening book. Ever sense we had the lightening storms he is really interested. We recorded a National Geographic show on lightening and we bought him a book. He has his favorite picture and he kept showing it to Grammy Lynn...who acted way more interested than I did as she has only seen it 20 time now!
And for the second post in a row, here is something about somebody other than Charlie!
I have started canning. I have only done a few things but I am excited when they turn out. On the right you can see the pears that I did earlier and on the left is the applesauce that I did the other day. I think it looks pretty to have the food in the jars rather than the store bought cans.
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